Village Motel
821 Walton Avenue
McGregor, IA 52157
Phone: 1-563-873-2200
Directions from the North: Take 76 south through town all the way until you come to a "T" intersection by the church. Turn left and follow the road around the curve. The Village Motel is on the left.
Directions from the South: Take X56 north past Pikes Peak Park down the hill towards McGregor. Village Motel is on the right.
Directions from the West: Take highway 18 to 76. Turn right. Go to the bottom of the hill until you come to a "T" intersection. Go straight and follow the road to the right. Village Motel is on the left.
Directions from the East: From Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, take highway 18 across the Mississippi River. At Marquette, take a left. Take a right over the railroad tracks and past the pink elephant. Follow 76 south to McGregor. Follow the road through town until you come to a "T" intersection. Take a left and follow the curve. Village Motel is on the left.